Privacy Policy

This game is owned and operated by “Gimbal Studio” and will be referred to as "We", "our" and "us" in this Privacy Policy. By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy of the virtual reality game "Stupid Cars" for Meta Quest devices. "Stupid Cars" will be referred to as “The Game”. This Privacy Policy relates to the collection and use of user data collected while playing The Game.


We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. This Privacy Policy is in addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to The Game. We do not make any representations about third party software or applications that may be linked to The Game via the devices operating system.


We recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of data collected while playing The Game, in particular data that can identify an individual ("personal information"). This Privacy Policy governs the way your user data, obtained through The Game, will be dealt with. This Privacy Policy should be reviewed periodically so that you are updated on any changes. We welcome your comments and feedback.


Collecting User Data

1.  User data is collected only while playing The Game. This data is not stored or shared with any third party during or after the user has stopped playing The Game. The data collected while The Game is being played are User ID, User Profile and Friends


Use of User Data

2.  User data The Game collects from players is used only for the purpose for which it is collected. The Game features Leaderboards and Achievements which require the collection of the above user data to function.


Deletion of User Data

3.  The Game does not store or share any user data during or once the player has stopped playing The Game. The Game does not send any user data to an external cloud or database controlled by us. To have a leaderboard entry deleted please contact us at


Problems or questions

4.      If we become aware of any ongoing concerns or problems with The Game, we will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns. If you have any further queries relating to our Privacy Policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact us at


5.      For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's web site;